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Fostering resilience and self-reliance in employees in a contingent work environment

Posted on:2003-06-01Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Jones, Shauna LeighFull Text:PDF
GTID:2466390011978728Subject:Business Administration
This research project examined ways to foster resilience and self-reliance in a contingent environment where employees have little job security. The project assessed characteristics and qualities of people who demonstrate resilience and self-reliance and studied how these qualities help people cope during times of change. It considered the organizational culture needed to foster these qualities and the factors that might impede resilience and self-reliance. The literature review evaluated contingent work, career management, resilience, and self-reliance, and change and organizational culture. The action research methodology included six interviews and narrative inquiry, using a story circle and a focus group. Conclusions and recommendations were structured around short- and long-term ways to support employees through a change process and foster resilience and self-reliance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Resilience and self-reliance, Employees, Foster, Contingent
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