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The application of restoration and reconciliation in workplace conflicts

Posted on:2004-05-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Chapman, Thomas RoyFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this research project is to examine whether the implementation of reconciliation and restoration practices can enhance the present rights-based conflict resolution process in the Ontario Provincial Police. There is a belief that the current resolution process does not address the emotional and psychodynamic aspects of conflict for employees. Resolution agreements may be reached, however underlying emotional and relational dimensions to the conflict are not resolved, especially in situations that are more contentious.; This research will attempt to explore how to address emotional and relational dimensions of conflict and how to implement more encompassing resolution strategies into the OPP conflict resolution system. It aims to provide a forward thinking comparison of what the current system offers to conflicting employees and what innovative methods might be offered to reconcile the emotional dynamics of their workplace conflicts. Part of the research objectives will be to complete a literature review to determine definitions and aspects of conflict reconciliation and restoration. A second objective will be to determine how these approaches might be feasibly incorporated into the workplace setting and in this specific case, a rights-based process.
Keywords/Search Tags:Conflict, Restoration, Reconciliation, Workplace
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