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Workplace conflict and employment retaliation in law enforcement; an examination of the causes, effects and viable solutions

Posted on:2017-07-23Degree:D.P.P.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Otero, Anthony AndrewFull Text:PDF
GTID:1456390005493841Subject:Organizational Behavior
This study examined the effects of workplace conflict in the work environment of the law enforcement community, and how conflicts can evolve into misinterpreted allegations of workplace retaliation if not addressed in a proactive manner. When left unchecked, these incidents not only lead to costly civil litigation; they also have a lasting adverse effect on relationships within the organization, which prevent internal growth and development of those within the organization who are directly or indirectly involved in these incidents.;The research conducted for this study was qualitative and included a literature review pertinent to the issues concerning this topic. Additionally, a research survey instrument was utilized in conjunction with a focus group to further examine the rendered results. The survey group for this research consisted of members of the Los Angeles Police Department's (LAPD) labor union. The data gathered was analyzed using the grounded theory approach, revealing a core set of categories which presented themselves throughout the gathered data.;The results of this study revealed that the perception of a problem plays a significant role in allowing the problem to reveal itself. There appeared to be a significant misunderstanding of what does and does not constitute employment retaliation. The ability to resolve conflict within a bureaucratic work environment can best be accomplished by utilizing a transformative mediation program.;The findings of this study examined and revealed the importance of understanding conflict in the workplace in order to resolve and avoid it. Although conflict is at times unavoidable, it is essential to find alternative methods to resolve it in the workplace, and such methods need to be examined more thoroughly in the work environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Workplace, Conflict, Examined, Retaliation
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