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Archaeological and geological evidence for the first peopling of Alberta

Posted on:2003-09-07Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Gillespie, Jason DavidFull Text:PDF
Recent geological and ecological evidence suggests that there was no Late Pleistocene maximum "Ice-Free Corridor". A typology of the Alberta fluted point sample indicates greater variability than previously recognized. Settlement pattern data from Alberta suggests that the first colonists were open-landscape adapted and may have only colonized the modern plains/prairie regions of Alberta. The combined archaeological and geological evidence from Alberta suggests that the province was first colonized around 11,000 radiocarbon years ago. This colonization originated in the United States and was, therefore, a northward movement of people into Alberta. The "Ice-Free Corridor", therefore, can no longer be viewed as the route through which the first Paleoindians migrated into the New World.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alberta, First, Geological, Evidence
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