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Does legislation in Alberta protect the public from the financial obligations of coal mine closure

Posted on:2010-07-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Wickens, Jeffrey AlanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2446390002978580Subject:Environmental Studies
Coal mining in Alberta is influenced by economic, environmental, and social factors that often arise without warning and have the potential to bring an abrupt end to a prosperous operation. Understanding the issues is imperative to addressing how the public is protected from the financial obligations associated with the closure of a coal mine. How the obligations of industry, government, and the public collide to form the basis of responsible and sustainable development is also addressed. A recent case study that drives to the heart of this question provides the foundation for informed discussion and recommendations.;With the demand for energy increasing, Alberta will continue to be a major source of energy into the future. As such, it is imperative that legislation is designed to ensure proper life-cycle management of Alberta's coal resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alberta, Coal, Public, Obligations
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