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Intentionalism in literary interpretation

Posted on:2000-05-02Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Fearing, Karen AlexanderFull Text:PDF
The role of the author's intention in literary interpretation has been the topic of much debate in twentieth-century philosophy of literature. I begin my examination of the topic by considering the role of literature in human life, with the idea that it should provide some guidance in a theory of interpretation. A comparison of scientific and literary interpretation is undertaken with the aim of clarifying the issues at stake in interpretation in general and literary interpretation in particular. I then turn to the early days of debate and Wimsatt and Beardsley's "Intentional Fallacy." Next I look at the intentionalist response of E. D. Hirsch. Moving to the contemporary era, I discuss Jerrold Levinson's influential hypothetical intentionalism. I consider criticisms of Levinson's theory and, briefly, some actual intentionalist alternatives. Finally, I offer my own thoughts on why the author's intention should be taken seriously in literary interpretation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literary interpretation, Literature
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