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The natural horn in the orchestra; compositions combining horns in different keys: A history

Posted on:1999-12-31Degree:D.M.AType:Thesis
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Lundeen, DouglasFull Text:PDF
One of the most intriguing stories in the history of the development of western orchestral instruments is how the natural horn, a seemingly primitive instrument, continued to flourish for fifty years alongside the valve horn. This persistence of the natural horn could not have occurred without the development of the practice of writing for horns crooked in different keys.;The impetus for this study came from several recording projects of music for natural horns in different keys, in which the writer participated as performer. The sonorities achieved by these instruments in such disposition were so unique and compelling that an in-depth study seemed appropriate.;Consultation of complete works editions, Denkmaler, series dedicated to French grand opera and the Classical symphony yielded examples enabling the writer to trace development of the practice of writing for natural horns in different keys from Handel's Giulio Cesare to Verdi's Don Carlos.;Based on his fifteen years of experience performing with the leading original instrument ensembles in North America, the writer shares notes on performance practice for the various periods studied, including recommendations for equipment and implications for modern instrument performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Natural, Different keys, Instrument
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