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Towards a semantic description of the preposition AT: A cognitive approach

Posted on:2001-07-20Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Universite Laval (Canada)Candidate:Lassadi, BoutheinaFull Text:PDF
The aim of this thesis is to describe the underlying meaning of the preposition 'at' by making use of the Cognitive Linguistic tools as proposed by Ronald Langacker. The goal of this research paper is to find out the image schema for 'at', which represents the potential meaning of this preposition that can govern all its instantiations in discourse. This goal will be reached through different stages: first, a semantic analysis of the different cognitive domains where 'at' is found will be conducted. Second, a common meaning that can describe the different usage of 'at' will be defined. This common meaning that is called 'image schema' will be used in order to construct a 'Network Model for 'at'' where all the usages will be linked to this image schema.
Keywords/Search Tags:Preposition, 'at', Cognitive, Meaning
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