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Arabic roots

Posted on:2002-01-29Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Aryan, RihamFull Text:PDF
Arabic, like other Semitic languages, is characterized by a root and pattern morphology. This research project presents the theme of the Arabic verb which is called the root. The application to the root of a large number of morphological patterns determines the categorical status of the resulting words.;In this paper, I will describe the nature and peculiarities of the derivative verb formations that may be deduced from triliteral roots. The most frequent verbal patterns in Arabic are estimated by many grammarians to be twelve in number, all of which have the same inflections as the primitive verb. The system of pattern makes the learning of Arabic easier.;All Arabic words can be theoretically reduced to roots. To deduce the root from the pattern and to decide which pattern has been imposed on the root is a prerequisite skill for using an Arabic dictionary, which is arranged alphabetically by roots.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arabic, Root, Pattern
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