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The dynamics of orality, language, and identity in David Huet's 'Zaza, la Reunion des annees 50' (2000) and Erna Brodber's 'Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home' (1980)

Posted on:2003-11-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Gaulin, Weena IsabelleFull Text:PDF
This study contends that Reunionese and Caribbean identities can be construed in part through an examination of orality and language in the literature of the islands.;In preparation for an analysis of the dynamics of Creole and other oral features in Huet's Zaza, la Réunion des années 50 and Brodber's Jane and Louisa Will Soon Come Home, some linguistic preliminaries establish Creoles as full-fledged languages, a step that helps explain the post-colonial subject's behavior towards a language initially imposed by the colonizer.;A comparison of the nature, mechanics, and purposes of oral structural devices in the two literary works leads to the conclusion that such behavior is either one of resistance or assimilation. Finally, both authors use language to exemplify the notion of hybridity in the post-colonial process of identity-formation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language
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