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Changes in foreign language teaching: From standards to practice

Posted on:2003-05-26Degree:D.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at Stony BrookCandidate:Fierro, Maria LuciaFull Text:PDF
This thesis is a practical guide for both neophyte and seasoned foreign language teachers who are unsure of how to adapt both the National Standards and the New York State Standards in the confines of their classrooms. In chapter one the reader will become acquainted with the foreign language pedagogical philosophy that has been relevant in the recent past as well as the paradigm shift that has occurred since the passing of Goals 2000 in the adoption of the National Standards in New York State. Chapter two addresses more practical issues by examining optimum learning environments, realistic goals, and teacher-student rapport. Finally chapter three demonstrates with concrete examples, how technology can be successfully incorporated into the modern foreign language classroom to adopt the standards to successful practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign language, Standards, New york state
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