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Personal epistemology: Implications for stress in college students

Posted on:2003-11-20Degree:M.EdType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Johnson, Robyn MFull Text:PDF
This research study investigated whether college students' epistemological beliefs (i.e. certain knowledge, simple knowledge, fixed ability, quick learning, and omniscient authority) could predict negative stressors and/or reactions to stress in their college experience. Based on responses to two self-assessment inventories and a demographic survey; analysis of the data suggests that over and above contributions from demographics (i.e. gender, ethnicity, age, and education level), certain dimensions of epistemological beliefs contributed significantly to the prediction of negative stress in college students. This suggests that it is essential for educators to provide opportunities for students' epistemological development; specifically, in the area of constructing knowledge. Students need opportunities to view themselves as sources of knowledge (i.e. knowledge is constructed internally), which leads to development of a higher level of cognitive processing.
Keywords/Search Tags:College, Stress
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