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On the use of overhead pins for part orienting: An exploratory study

Posted on:2004-08-15Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:Simon Fraser University (Canada)Candidate:Noriega, Herbert FFull Text:PDF
The process of part orienting refers to aligning a batch of parts to be assembled in a desired or unique configuration from an unknown initial configuration. This thesis presents an innovative approach towards the development of a hybrid part orienter, where hybrid denotes something that has two or more different types of functionalities operating towards the same goal.; Focusing on the principle of minimalism, this thesis investigates the use of overhead pins of various classes over a slow moving conveyor to orient polygonal planar parts. First, a study is carried out to understand the motion behaviour of these parts when contacting point obstacles. Then, to represent the parts' behaviour configuration maps are created. Configuration maps encapsulate the physics of an operation such as a part contacting a pin, indicating the part's final orientation at the end of contact from an initial orientation prior to contact. Lastly, using these configuration maps a simple planner is implemented. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Part, Configuration maps
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