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Hip hop as performance and ritual: A biographical and ethnomusicological construction of a Washington D.C. hip hop artist named Priest da Nomad

Posted on:2004-09-14Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland College ParkCandidate:Smith, William EarlFull Text:PDF
This dissertation is a biographical ethnography of a Washington D.C.-based microphone controller (or master of ceremonies, otherwise known as an MC), Priest da Nomad. The intention of this work is to integrate the study of individual musicians in a particular culture and the concepts of the culture itself, through the detailed analysis of an individual musician, examining his influences and illuminating his contexts.; By analyzing Priest da Nomad's rhyme style, personal aesthetics, and rhythmic structure we can begin to understand the mechanisms of innovation in hip hop culture. My hypothesis is that Priest's style of rhyme is more fluid rhythmically, and more developed in terms of subject matter than earlier styles of hip hop lyricism. I also hypothesize that (a) the connection can be drawn between hip hop performance and spirit rituals of Ifa-based communities and (b) that the concept of quantum holography can scientifically explain how one individual can embody many facets of culture. Because of his adeptness and ability in performance ritual as well as his substantive lyrical prowess, I believe that Priest is a ritual specialist who requires serious attention and study.; To understand his rhythmic concept in relation to his hip hop predecessors and influences, I transcribed some of his lyrics as well as their rhythms, and compared them to the songs that he said had influenced him. This I hope will yield a greater understanding of how an MC learns from other artists but is able to create an individual expression and interpretation.; By going to numerous performances, rehearsals, and impromptu functions I was able to witness Priest in a variety of settings and watch his effect on various types of audiences. I wanted to see what aspects of his performance conveyed meaning to the audience and which techniques were used to create a ritual space. I compared this with other local and international performers to try to perceive similarities as well as differences.; Priest is part of a local community of hip hop artists that have extensive experience not only in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, but around the world. There is camaraderie and a sharing of styles and techniques that enhances all of their performance skills. It is this network that interested me at first and the embodiment of this network's ideals, principles, and performances styles that lead me to focus on Priest. By examining one artist more closely we can understand various principles operating within the collective.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hip hop, Priest, Washington, Performance, Ritual
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