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Young people and performance arts in Washington, D.C

Posted on:1998-10-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of FloridaCandidate:Musengezi, HabakkukFull Text:PDF
The modern city, having attracted people from the rural areas and even beyond in search of its elusive promises, has become anti-biotic, that is, against life. Its youth, lacking a political voice and no longer a coveted source of labor, usually become the victims of the ensuing social pathologies: broken families, substandard education, unemployment, the drug culture, domestic and street violence, among others.; This study is an investigation of the efforts of a theater company in Washington, DC, the No-Neck Monsters Theater, to build the self-esteem of inner city, African-American youth through theater arts and to instill the skills they need to survive the challenges of a modern city such as Washington, DC. It explores the use of story telling, African dance and drama, theater games and street performances in the lives of inner city youth. Through the creation of new social inner relationships among philanthropic organizations, community centers, parents and young people, the No-Neck Monsters Theater Company sought to bring stability and normalcy to the lives of inner city youth.; This study examines theoretical perspectives on young people's theater in the United States, the formation and activities of the No-Neck Monsters Theater and places these issues in an anthropological perspective. It also explores the role of play, dance and music in society, and how it was manifested in the work of the No-Neck Monsters Theater, and how the students responded to this effort.; Anthropological approaches ranging from functionalism, urban semantics, and life histories are used to bring into relief the crisis in the inner city of Washington, DC. As a humanistic study extolling the resilience of social groups, it focuses on narratives of vindication and hope as opposed to those of denigration and nihilism.; When human beings are threatened, they form social groups cutting across social, economic, cultural, religious and ethnic boundaries to ensure social stability and well-being. The alliance of the No-Neck Monsters with church, civic and philanthropic organizations to help the youth of Washington, DC was such a development. This study seeks to bring into the public domain the efforts of a few theater professionals to make a difference in the lives of young people living in difficult circumstances in the inner city.
Keywords/Search Tags:People, City, Theater, Washington
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