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Sharing the narrative floor: Couple co-construction and its effects on discourse management

Posted on:2012-04-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Eisenberg, Joyanna NFull Text:PDF
This study examines the interactional work achieved by narrative co-construction--that is, the practice of two people telling the same story at the same time. There are several potential interactional problems that should arise from having two knowledgeable storytellers, as detailed by Goodwin and Mandelbaum. Mandelbaum has pointed out that the management of these potential problems in talk-in-interaction can contain evidence about the nature of the co-constructors' relationship. The features that contain this evidence are what Goffman referred to as "tie-signs.";The present study demonstrates that each individual in an intimate pair consistently uses his or her own narrative style whether narrating independently or with a co-constructor, while also demonstrating couple presentation through the tie-signs of embedded repair mechanisms, unique turn organizational patterns, and patterns of cooperative overlap during co-construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Narrative
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