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Lo sguardo di Perseo. Italo Calvino e Joseph Conrad: Dal testo all'ipertesto

Posted on:2002-08-04Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:City University of New YorkCandidate:Dal Ben, PaoloFull Text:PDF
This dissertation consists of two parts: a paper three chapters long and an electronic, multimedia CD-ROM. By using a narratological and structuralist approach, the paper explains how and why Italo Calvino read, learned and developed Conrad's narrative strategy ("to make see") and Conrad's moral concept of literature. This narrative strategy and moral concept of literature were identified by Calvino as the "Gaze of Perseus" which he in turn defines as "an allegory on the poet's relationship to the world, a lesson in the method to follow when writing." The "Gaze of Perseus," which Calvino discovered in the beginning of his career, is used as a metaphor, in this dissertation, to make a comparison between Calvino and Conrad.;The first chapter is a narratological analysis of Calvino's first book, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno, that he wrote while working on his dissertation about Conrad. In Calvino's thesis, still unpublished, it is interesting to see how many aspects he has in common with Conrad, a style marked by visual writing, binary-voice, binary point of view, and the attempt to combine autobiography and fiction through an oral and fabled narration.;The second chapter is a theoretical interpretation of the "Gaze of Perseus." It identifies the reasons Calvino employed this narrative style, through which he transformed the novel and text into Hyper-novel (= iper-romanzo) and Hypertext (= romanzo-rete).;The CD-ROM is part of the third chapter and shows the narrative innovations of Le citta invisibili, which was defined by Calvino as an "iper-romanzo" (= hyper-novel) and "romanzo-rete" (= novel as net). In keeping with this concept, this dissertation realizes Le citta invisibili as an electronic text (Hypertext) to enable the reader, much better than the book, to fulfill the reading and the narrative strategy Calvino learned from Conrad.*.;*This dissertation includes a CD that is compound (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation). The CD requires the following application: Internet browser.
Keywords/Search Tags:Calvino, Dissertation, Conrad, Paper
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