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Henry James and the French influence

Posted on:2003-02-07Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Ferraro, Karen AnnFull Text:PDF
European influence and, in particular, French influence on Henry James has been a long substantiated literary topic by many critics.; In order to pursue this topic, we must familiarize ourselves with most of the works of Henry James and also with the existing material on this topic. By way of comparison between some of James' creative and theoretical writings with those of the French prose masters, we will notice the direct influence on James.; Even reading an extensive list of books as indicated in the bibliography is only a small part of the fascinating comparative literature studies of the influence on works some authors. Such studies are crucial if we want to fully appreciate not only James' literary style but also his participation and contribution in world literature by combining the literary American traditions with the European methods, especially with the French fiction.; Through these readings, we must conclude that, in fact, Henry James was influenced by his French contemporaries in his works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henry james, French, Influence, Literature
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