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Suche nach Berlin

Posted on:2004-12-29Degree:M.S.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of CincinnatiCandidate:Hibbs, Kristin ElizabethFull Text:PDF
This thesis identifies the Enlightened Tourist as the protagonist. The goals of the Enlightened Tourist become the focus of the exploration. He wants to make personal connections with the places he visits. An approach to making connections has been addressed and the Enlightened Tourist is more that willing to put forth the effort required. Along with research and his own personal experience in the city, he knows that human interaction is essential. What becomes important then, is where this interaction takes place. The architectural component of this thesis, takes on this challenge, to create the meeting place. In order to enrich the investigation, a context is given to the project, that context being Berlin. From the history of Berlin, a specific time period is identified as being particularly influential and representative of the current state of Berlin. This connection is established through an analysis of the underlying spirit of Berlin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Berlin, Enlightened tourist
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