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The larval odonata of ponds in the prairie region of Missouri

Posted on:2004-09-18Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Missouri - ColumbiaCandidate:Landwer, Brett H. PFull Text:PDF
Despite a recent increase of interest in the insect order Odonata among scientists and naturalists, the fauna of Missouri has remained poorly known. This study incorporated three of the most poorly understood aspects of Odonata systematics in the state: the distribution of species in the Prairie Region, the habitat and distribution of larvae, and the lentic fauna. Samples were collected from ponds throughout the Prairie Region of Missouri and were supplemented by the rearing of difficult or unusual species. Fifty species were identified, representing 2 suborders, 6 families, and 19 genera. An additional morphospecies was collected of which neither the adult nor larva was consistent with any described species. An illustrated taxonomic key to the species known or expected to occur in ponds in the Prairie Region of Missouri was prepared. Ambiguous and contradictory characterizations found in the literature were evaluated based on extensive examination of specimens, resulting in the redescription of one species and novel characterizations of many others. In addition to contributing to the knowledge of the Odonata fauna in Missouri and the systematics of larval Odonata in general, this study will facilitate future studies in a variety of fields by allowing researchers to more accurately identify their study organisms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Odonata, Prairie region, Missouri, Ponds
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