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Development and implementation of an integrative medical center using the Ghen Hypothesis

Posted on:1999-07-15Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Ghen, Mitchell JFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390014973453Subject:Health Sciences
Based upon the "Ghen Hypothesis" a concise manual was developed that will allow an individual practitioner or an institution to implement a comprehensive alternative medical center. The "Ghen Hypothesis" suggests that cellular nutrition, cellular respiration, hormonal cross-talk, energy balance, psycho-social considerations, and spiritualization are all necessary to be present concurrently in order to allow an individual to maintain optimal health. The manual explains the methodology of how to develop the appropriate relationships between center and practitioner and community. Areas such as marketing, where to buy supplies, franchising and community relationships are discussed. The beginning of the thesis describes alternative medicine and its popular acceptance in the world and its rapid inclusion in the United States. Following is a description of the "Ghen Hypothesis". After this description, footnoted explanation of the "Ghen Hypothesis" is described, using the chronic disease of cancer as the model. Classic literature is quoted to demonstrate how what was once considered health food nonsense now was becoming part of mainstream medicine. Interaction and interdependence of all five components (Ghen Hypothesis) is shown and how they are complementary to each other.;The factual information contained in the P.D.E. along with my shared experience can educate and aid many persons who wish to develop a well-focused and responsible complementary medical practice or center. Any part or chapter can be used individually because the information is organized exclusively even though it is interdependent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ghen hypothesis, Center, Medical
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