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A correlation examining the AIDS and tuberculosis case rate to population density, United States (1994 and 1995)

Posted on:1999-03-26Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:New York Medical CollegeCandidate:Zaccardo, Maurice SFull Text:PDF
Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) include a core area with adjacent communities that have a high degree of intergration with that core. Statistical data from these areas will help to properly investigate health and social problems.;This report encompasses 80 MSAs, population ;The current reporting of HIV/AIDS testing results to the national TB surveillance system is incomplete, precluding a status connection for the two diseases.;The hypothesis of a correlation between population density and case rate for AIDS can be further tested by the design of analytic studies accounting for the effect of other risk factors including race, poverty, poor health care, IV drug use, alcohol abuse, poor educational opportunities and absence of meaningful employment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Population
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