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Perceived quality in an ambulatory care center: Managed care versus traditional

Posted on:1996-09-20Degree:M.B.AType:Thesis
University:Baker College (Michigan)Candidate:Bonbrisco, Daniel EugeneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390014487811Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of this study is to exhibit to the reader a clear and distinct correlation between the management of health care resources and the perceived improvement in measurable quality. The field of medicine is rapidly changing in the areas of inpatient and ambulatory care. This study evaluates the perceived quality in both settings.;The hypothesis will be that a positive correlation exists between the modern health care system and improved quality of care in an ambulatory setting.;Measurable outcomes will consist of better use of health care resources and improvement of physician performance in a managed care satellite or integrated health care system. There will also be improvement in the utilization of hospital resources. The study will show a clear relationship between variables, and the study will also be significant and broad in scope to exhibit to the reader a clear association between the above-mentioned factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Care, Quality, Clear, Perceived, Ambulatory
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