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Effects of prenatal cocaine exposure in quantitative sleep measures in infants

Posted on:2003-07-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Chast, Frederic JosephFull Text:PDF
The purpose of the following study is to examine the implication of maternal cocaine exposure during pregnancy on newborn infants. This study focuses mainly on the spectral analysis of EEGs recorded during sleep.; Firstly, the delta waves extracted from the EEG for the two groups of subjects (the control group and the exposed group) are studied and the periodicity of these waves is analyzed by performing a standard Fourier transform. Three parameters are extracted from the transformed signal and are compared between subjects of the two populations. Secondly, other signals extracted from the polysomnograph such as the heart rate and the EMG, are also considered. The same kind of analysis is performed on these new signals, in order to refine the spectral characteristics of each group.; Two results seem to be characteristic of the exposed population: deeper quiet sleep stages and shorter REM stages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sleep
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