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Design and synthesis of cysteine protease inhibitors

Posted on:2002-06-17Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Indiana UniversityCandidate:Alvarez Hernandez, AlejandroFull Text:PDF
This work describes the synthesis and evaluation of small inhibitors of cysteine proteases of parasitic origin. New epoxysuccinyl inhibitors carrying the unnatural amino acids D-homophenylalanine and D-homotyrosine were synthesized and determined to be potent irreversible inhibitors of cruzain-1, the major cysteine protease from T. cruzi, the ethiological agent of Chagas' disease. A new convergent synthesis of E-64 analogs is reported. X-ray crystal structures of 5 inhibitors bound to cruzain were elucidated and proved the alternative binding of D-hPhe and L-hPhe containing epoxysuccinates. The synthesis and evaluation of vinyl sulfonyl inhibitors that target cruzain-1 and falcipain-2 is also reported. Falcipain-2 is the best characterized and most important of the 3 major cysteine proteases from P. falciparum the most virulent malarial parasite. From small libraries of vinyl sulfonyl inhibitors new vinyl, N-benzyloxy sulfonamides, vinyl phenyl sulfonates and vinyl phenyl sulfones were found to be very potent and irreversible inhibitors of cruzain-1 and falcipain-2 in vitro . Some of these compounds show in vivo activity in parasite-infected cell culture experiments and represent the leads for future improvement of inhibitors of parasitic cysteine proteases.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inhibitors, Cysteine, Synthesis
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