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The study on correspondence between bold signal and neuronal activity during visual stimulation using functional MRI and EEG

Posted on:2002-03-02Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Choi, Seong-OFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011495856Subject:Biomedical engineering
There has been a question "Is the fMRI BOLD signal reflection of neuronal activity?" and the relationship between BOLD signal and neuronal activity has not been established. In this thesis correspondence between fMRI BOLD signal and EEG signal was investigated by visual stimulation experiment.;In fMRI experiment, Cross-correlation method was used to detect the activity during stimulus. In EEG experiment, Nonlinear alignment technique was used to estimate visual evoked potential in EEG signal during stimulus.;The result showed that both BOLD signal and EEG signal peak at 8Hz and have similar change with stimulus frequency. This fact could imply the existence of correspondence between BOLD signal and neuronal activity.;The flashing-checkerboard technique was used for visual stimulation with various stimulus frequencies, and three normal subjects were studied under same experiment condition.
Keywords/Search Tags:BOLD signal, Visual stimulation, Technique was used, Stimulus, Experiment
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