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Using facilitated groups to address needs for nutrition information

Posted on:2003-03-30Degree:M.Ad.EdType:Thesis
University:St. Francis Xavier University (Canada)Candidate:Triandafillou, Joan MargaretFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011487684Subject:Adult Education
This study evolved from concerns expressed by the public, and in the literature, that much of nutrition information is confusing. This problem begged the question about how the specific needs of individuals for authentic nutrition information could be met in a user friendly way. The study described in this thesis used facilitated groups to address needs for nutrition education in a way that was easily understood.;A facilitated small group approach was used in a nutrition workshop to assist participants to analyze their diets using food composition tables. Participants recorded their food intake for 2 days, compared the nutrients in their food records to recommended values, and discussed ways to improve their diets. They also participated in activities that provided them with information, and encouraged discussion of topics of interest to the group. In follow-up interviews they reported improved eating habits as a result of the workshop, and noted aspects of process which contributed to their learning, including participation, sharing, interaction, atmosphere, and discussing their own questions.;Studies on the use of facilitated groups to teach nutrition are limited. Abusabha, Peacock, and Achterberg (1999) reported their use of facilitation as an innovation. I used facilitation strategies to present nutrition information and to ease the sharing of nutrition information among group members. Participants were able to learn from each other by asking questions and involving others in discussion. Facilitated learning is recommended to nutrition educators as an option for presenting nutrition information to the public, for reaching a number of clients while preserving individual contact with learners and resolving confusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nutrition information, Facilitated, Needs
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