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Provider precision labs healthcare analytics and decision suppor

Posted on:2017-11-02Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Eliot, Trevor GFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011485549Subject:Health care management
The healthcare industry is undergoing a shift due to changes in revenue cycles and therefore delivery models. This shift is causing horizontal integration among providers and a subsequent assumption of risk that behooves them to operate similar to a payer. Analytics, while used predominately by healthcare payers in the past, will now be applicable to providers of care. This opens the door to a niche consulting firm that can provide these services effectively and affordably. Provider Precision Labs is an idea for a company that can render payer-like services on the scale of regional provider groups but at a manageable cost to the owner and operator.
Keywords/Search Tags:Provider, Healthcare
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