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Schizophrenia and orthomolecular techniques: How food can affect symptoms

Posted on:2003-06-11Degree:Psy.DType:Thesis
University:University of HartfordCandidate:Gaw, Heather MarieFull Text:PDF
The study investigates how foods affect schizophrenic symptomology. Participants consisted of individuals with schizophrenia, their friends, family, and health care professionals. Data was collected via a questionnaire developed by the author to determine if participants perceive a change in schizophrenic symptoms in the person they were reporting on with the ingestion or avoidance of specific foods. Food cravings were also examined in this manner, as food cravings may be indicative of a specific nutrient deficiency or may indicate an attempt on the individuals part to control symptoms through food intake. Individuals were primarily recruited through mental health newsgroups by dissemination of the questionnaire over the Internet and via word of mouth. Results supported the hypothesis that individuals would report a change in symptoms and/or food cravings with the ingestion or restriction of specific edibles. A qualitative review of edibles reported to affect symptoms is provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Affect, Food, Symptoms, Individuals
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