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An information technology justification framework for the dental industry

Posted on:2003-11-11Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Yacyshyn, James RFull Text:PDF
The need for an effective strategy for evaluating and justifying technology initiatives in the healthcare industry grows. This work focuses on the challenges of information technology evaluation and justification in a healthcare sector.; An overview of the challenges faced in the health care industry is presented. A review of works relating to "technological justification methods" and the use of "Data Envelopment Analysis" (DEA) for healthcare follow. The development of a framework that focuses on the dental industry is then presented. The framework includes the development of a "process-oriented business model" of the dental industry. Additionally, an industry-specific technology implementation strategy is developed, along with the evaluation of various business-case economic measures for their effective utilization in a dental technology initiative. This thesis utilizes DEA in a novel way to determine clinical efficiency, to address potential sources of inefficiency, and determine the impact of a technology initiative on the technical efficiency of a dental practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology, Dental, Industry, Justification, Framework
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