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An exploration of trauma-specific frontal lobe brainwave activity and posttraumatic symptomatology before and after the application of a specific bilateral stimulation and integration technique

Posted on:2004-07-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Trinity Western University (Canada)Candidate:Grace, Ronwyn HelenFull Text:PDF
This study observed and explored Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptomatology, neuro-physiological activity and changes in participants after treatment intervention with a selected bilateral technique, One-Eye Integration (OEI). OEI techniques have been clinically shown to facilitate the integration of traumatic memories and to reduce associated PTSD distress and symptomatology. Ten participants, who had all suffered from a severe, traumatic event and met the Diagnostic Statistical Manual-Revision IV (DSM-IV) criteria for PTSD, were assigned to either a treatment group or a delayed-treatment control group. The treatment group received three sixty-minute OEI treatment sessions over a two-week period. A variety of standard psychometric measurement tools were used to assess the impact of a specific event, reductions in PTSD symptomatology and in pre and post-treatment assessments. Trauma specific, frontal lobe, brain wave activity was measured before and after the application of the selected technique. Comparisons were made to assess reductions in PTSD symptomatology and changes in brainwave lateralization and amplitudes from the pre to post-treatment assessments. The findings revealed significant treatment specific effects and an overall decrease in PTSD symptomatology. A pattern showing an increase in the amplitude of the brainwave frequency 12--15 Hz, in the right frontal lobe, was also seen by the post-treatment assessment, after the traumatic memory script had been played.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traumatic, Frontal lobe, Symptomatology, PTSD, Activity, Specific, Brainwave, Integration
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