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Effect of gender on nutritional requirements of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus

Posted on:1999-01-19Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Michigan State UniversityCandidate:Al-Mohsen, IbrahimFull Text:PDF
Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) males grow faster than females in mixed gender groups under intensive aquaculture because of their early maturation and frequent breeding. This study was designed to determine if the saturation kinetic model could be used to describe weight gain and net nutrient deposition as a function of nutrient intake. Nutrient response curves were developed for female, male, and mixed gender groups fed varying levels of a commercial diet for six weeks. The shape of the curve (n), curve parameters (R{dollar}sb{lcub}rm max{rcub}{dollar} and K{dollar}sb{lcub}0.5{rcub}{dollar}, b), and calculated maintenance level (ML) varied between gender groups. All-male Nile tilapia gender groups grew faster than female or mixed-gender groups. Males exhibited higher R{dollar}sb{lcub}max{rcub}{dollar} and K{dollar}sb{lcub}0.5{rcub}{dollar} for growth than female or mixed-gender groups because they used fat, protein and energy more efficiently. Based on our results, methods to provide all-male tilapia for aquaculture should be used to maximize growth and performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tilapia, Gender
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