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A comparative developmental study of flowers and fruits in Citrullus lanatus (Cucurbitaceae)

Posted on:2002-07-26Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Lecha, Hannah BontleFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents the results of a comparative study on floral development, and fruit morphology and anatomy in the cultivated (var. lanatus) and wild (var. citroides) watermelon. The order of initiation and development of floral organs in the staminate and pistillate flower is the same for both varieties. There are no rudimentary carpels in the starninate flower. In the pistillate flower, the anthers fail to develop to maturity and remain as staminodes. A layer of wax covers the fruit epicarp of both varieties. In the cultivated watermelon fruit, stomata occur on the surface of the epicarp. In contrast, the stomata in the wild watermelon fruit are sunken in depressions on the epicarp. The bands of sclereids comprising the outer-mesocarp tissue are more extensive, broader and more lignified in the wild watermelon than in the cultivated one. The differences observed in stomatal morphology and rind structure suggest that structural features may play a role in enhancing the keeping quality of watermelon fruits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fruit, Watermelon, Flower
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