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Site Specific Management of Fertilizers and Herbicides in Lowbush Blueberry

Posted on:2011-03-09Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Rojas, Maria AngelicaFull Text:PDF
A comparison between broadcast and site specific management was conducted in two commercial blueberry fields in Earltown and Mount Thorn, Nova Scotia. Treatments consisted of two fertilization techniques (broadcast and fertilization in blueberry clones) and three herbicide application techniques (broadcast, application to weeds growing in blueberry clones only and application to weed patches only). Experimental plots, weed and blueberry areas were mapped using GIS technologies. Yield at Mount Thorn as well as stem height and berry number at Earltown increased under site specific fertilization. Weed biomass in blueberry patches reduced under herbicide application in blueberry clones but increased in weed patches if the same treatment was combined with broadcast fertilization. Broadleaf weed cover increased in broadcast herbicide applications at Earltown and in site specific fertilization at Mount Thorn. It was found that site specific treatments produced the same effect as broadcast and reduces costs and agrochemical applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Site specific, Blueberry, Broadcast, Herbicide, Application
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