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Oviposition behavior of Trichogramma platneri (Hymenoptera) on clustered hosts

Posted on:2003-10-06Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Nisani, ZiaFull Text:PDF
The oviposition behavior of Trichogramma platneri on clustered hosts was measured at 3 and 24-h periods. This study did not show any significant relationship between host size and the number of progeny allocated per host regardless of either time period studied. The data suggest that Trichogramma adjust their clutch size over time. In 3-h parasitization about 76% of hosts were allocated 2 progeny while in 24-h parasitization only 42% were allocated the same complement. Trichogramma platneri seem to respond to clustered hosts by using ovipositional experience in adjusting clutch size.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trichogramma platneri, Clustered, Hosts
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