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Becoming More Equine-Centered: A Curriculum to Enrich Experiential Learning Programs and the Equines They Employ

Posted on:2012-08-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Prescott CollegeCandidate:Wekenman, JaynaFull Text:PDF
This thesis is a proposed curriculum for organizations to explore how their organizational procedures, personnel, and programming may affect their equines' physical, mental, and emotional health; why this may affect program outcomes; and what organizations and personnel can do to become more equine-centered. Topics covered include: learned helplessness, equine consciousness, authenticity, domestic equine behavior, wild equine behavior, experiential learning, and flow theory. Also, the concepts of enrichment and Jaime Jackson's (2006) Paddock Paradise are introduced. This curriculum is formatted to be facilitated as multiple individual workshops or as a single multi-day workshop for one organization, multiple organizations, and/or individuals. This curriculum in its entirety has not been tested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curriculum, Organizations, Equine
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