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Design and analysis of a practical, emergency-use suspension bridge primarily of fiber-reinforced polymer composite construction

Posted on:1998-02-16Degree:M.S.EType:Thesis
University:The University of Alabama in HuntsvilleCandidate:Martin, Edwin DavidFull Text:PDF
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials, while in widespread use throughout the aerospace industry, are used to a limited extent in the construction industry of large structures. This is due in large part to the unfamiliarity of Structural Engineers with composite materials and perceived difficulty in performing the structural analyses.;This thesis presents the design and analysis of the arch members of a curved-chord suspension bridge which spans 125 feet and accommodates a single lane of traffic. The arch design includes the connection of the arch member to the transfer beam and consists of five arch pairs, each comprising three composite tubes per pair. The composite tubes have an outside diameter of 5 inches and a wall thickness of 1/4 inch. The arches are connected to the transfer beam using aluminum clevis joints.
Keywords/Search Tags:Composite, Arch
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