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Analytical probabilistic models for urban stormwater management planning

Posted on:1998-04-30Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Papa, FabianFull Text:PDF
Since 1978, research efforts at the University of Toronto have included the development of analytical probabilistic models for urban drainage systems analysis. These models have been developed to the stage where their implementation in engineering practice may be of significant utility. The massive public investments required for urban infrastructure must be made on a cost-effective basis and, in order to optimize system design, performance analysis methods are necessary. The models presented herein represent but one technology which may be useful in the planning of urban drainage systems. Developed using derived probability theory, these models are capable of assessing system performance over the full range of meteorological conditions with relative ease when compared to their simulation counterparts. The use of such models in planning-level studies is thus practical where detailed analyses of drainage systems is typically unwarranted. Furthermore, the computationally efficient nature of the models lends them favourably to the solution of optimization problems. This thesis is a synthesis of the past two decades of research into this topic and is intended for use as a comprehensive reference by practitioners, researchers and students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Models, Urban
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