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City building: Models for the formation of larger urban wholes

Posted on:1990-08-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, BerkeleyCandidate:Neis, Hans JoachimFull Text:PDF
City Building is the very old activity of building our cities as urban wholes. However, in modern times, city building has disappeared, it has come to mean city planning, urban design or architecture, as completely unrelated fields. These different and fragmented activities, so far, have not resulted in the formation of urban wholes.; It is the intention of this work to establish or re-establish City Building in a modern form, for the city of today.; City Building, the formation of urban wholes, is first of all, the application of some basic design and building principles at the urban level. City building is based on the two main principles of, first, 'wholeness', and second, 'a growing whole.' For the purpose of city building these two principles can be called 'wholeness in the structure of the city' with regard to structure, and 'the city as a growing whole,' with regard to the process which creates the structure.; These two principles are being made concrete with more detailed principles, which have been derived in analytical and empirical methods by C. Alexander and the Center for Environmental Structures (CES) for the purpose of achieving wholeness. One of the most important principles of city building with regard to process is the principle of 'continuous design and construction,' which is being dealt with in a separate chapter.; In order to apply the principles of City Building to a variety of urban contexts, critical context variables have been identified, like control over construction, and control over planning law.; City Building principles together with context variables constitute a general city building model.; In Part Two, five specific City Building models with their particular and individual contexts are developed and presented. Two models have actually been implemented, others have been partially implemented, or are awaiting implementation.; In Part Three of the work, the results of City Building are evaluated, analytically and empirically, and conclusions are drawn for further research. City Building turns out to be a rather difficult procedure in the context of today's design and construction industry. However, it can create rather successful results, according to the principle of wholeness, which are otherwise not obtainable.
Keywords/Search Tags:City building, Urban, Models, Formation, Principles
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