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A method for including human performance in a system reliability evaluation

Posted on:2000-09-10Degree:M.S.Q.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Dermit, JamesFull Text:PDF
With the ever increasing body of knowledge concerning factors which effect human functional performance, application of such knowledge to the field of system reliability evaluation naturally follows. This project offers a limited analysis of the effects of human performance factors and a method for including such factors in a quantified reliability evaluation of the performance of the human element in a system which includes man made devices. Also, the quantified human element developed is then included as part of a network model of system reliability in an effort to yield a more accurate evaluation of total system reliability performance. A simulation of the reliability of the entire system including the human component is offered through the use of the generalized Monte Carlo simulation technique, and a computer program code is presented which accomplishes this simulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human, Performance, System reliability, Including, Evaluation
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