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Sharpening to focus on the urban landscape: Approaches in landscape analysis

Posted on:2000-05-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Finlay, Stephen JohnFull Text:PDF
This study will explore a variety of analytical techniques in landscape analysis found within the sub-fields of historical and cultural geography. Elements within these approaches will be blended together to create a new methodology to analyse the urban landscape. This new analytical technique will be outlined and then applied to a section of the commercial core of Washington D.C. Reasons will be ascertained for the creation of Washington's contemporary urban distinctiveness. An argument will be made that the recent and on-going patterns of change in the form of downtown Washington, including the construction of ‘mega-blocks,’ are all features of ‘postmodernity.’ The work shall conclude by assessing the viability of the methodology in analysing Washington's urban landscape and its usefulness as an approach to the elucidation of urban landscapes generally. This study and methodology aim to create a new discourse between socio-cultural conditions, power relations and genetic urban history while linking these to our contemporary, ‘postmodern’ urban culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban, Landscape
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