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The greening of business: The role of green consumerism, the limits of earth, and Generation X

Posted on:2001-05-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Grant, Robert MichaelFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014959325Subject:Business Administration
This study discusses two important determinants of American business' long-term prosperity and survival---the limits to earth and the demands of environmentally conscious consumers---and the responsibility of businesses to recognize the integration of sustainable development strategies into the corporate framework. This study also argues that American society, led by Generation X, is undergoing a value shift in which environmental and post-materialist values are becoming more persistent and wide-spread. Generation X, as consumers and employees, will replace mounting pressure on businesses to change production methods by supporting those businesses that meet their needs for a better life in a healthy environment. The businesses that do not proactively anticipate this future value shift or meet the long-term environmental needs of concerned consumers risk future failure. This study gives of examples of how businesses have benefited financially and competitively through implementing green marketing strategies, which integrates environmentally sound methods into production processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Businesses, Generation
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