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Strategies for Long Island Entrepreneurial Businesses in an Environment of High Energy Costs

Posted on:2012-05-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Empire State CollegeCandidate:Boerner, Robert LFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008499531Subject:Business Administration
Business owners and decision-makers should address how energy is used in their internal operations. This paper investigates cost-effective energy efficiency methodologies, describes best practices, and demonstrates a sound business case for energy efficiency. This paper begins with the past traditions of Long Island businesses starting from the post war years, including the present times and an exploration of present energy efficiency and conservation issues. Next, I present core management disciplines that include business strategies such as adoption to competitive advantage; organizational behavior including innovation, and organizational leadership and culture; as well as ethics, corporate social responsibility and the issue of business environment. The working hypothesis of this paper is that Long Island businesses have the need and capacity to implement change, even though change is affected by the traditions of the past, present energy and efficiency issues, and many core business disciplines.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy, Business, Long island, Efficiency, Present
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