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Preliminary investigation of energy dissipation at culvert outlets using a riprap ste

Posted on:2001-11-15Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:Weikle, Belinda MFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014956084Subject:Civil engineering
One method used to attenuate high-energy flow at culvert outlets is the construction of a riprap energy dissipator. The current riprap design used by the WVDOH experiences problems with excessive sedimentation and is only applicable at culvert outlets where the flow velocity is low. The purpose of this investigation was to construct a testing device to allow for the testing of physical models and produce a preliminary riprap step design that would perform more effectively than the current design. The new design proposed meets the following criteria. It is: (1) Easily constructed on site using available materials; (2) Economically efficient; (3) Applicable to various culvert sizes and flowrates; (4) Self cleaning and requires low maintenance; (5) Able to re-establish natural flow conditions downstream of the outlet. Several model steps were constructed and tested. This thesis reviews the construction of all experimental equipment and the development of a preliminary design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Culvert outlets, Riprap, Preliminary
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