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Transformative Space: An Exploration of Strength and Optimism in a Healing Center

Posted on:2017-08-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The George Washington UniversityCandidate:Conover, CashinFull Text:PDF
Mental illness affects a large segment of the population, yet many of those who are suffering hesitate to seek treatment. One of the main factors behind this hesitancy is the social stigma associated with mental illness. The intent of this project is to create a wellness center that will combat the stigma through a holistic approach to health and a reestablishment of the human connection to nature. This intention will be achieved through the principles of origami and the use of natural light. Origami is the transformation of a simple, fragile piece of paper into a precise, multi-faceted object with a strength that defies its materiality. The idea of taking something that in one form or position is perceived as weak but that becomes strong with manipulation is one way to describe mental healing. By incorporating the physical manifestation of the principles of origami into the wellness center, a space will be created that is infused with strength and optimism. Origami is also a good basis for the re-establishment of a human connection to nature, which will have a positive impact on well-being. In many ways origami is a manmade manifestation of nature, from the intricate folds mimicking the pleasing fractal patterns found throughout nature to the fact that many origami creations are directly inspired by elements of nature. This connection to nature can be established abstractly through the fractal folds of origami, and concretely through the introduction of natural elements in the design, primarily through the use of natural lights. The two main design influences (light + origami) will intersect in the design, as it will manipulate light by folding and bending it as necessary to realize the design. In this way, light becomes the main material, much as paper is the material in traditional origami.
Keywords/Search Tags:Origami, Strength, Light
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