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Minimizing the effects of harmonics in maritime defence vessels

Posted on:2000-08-27Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Royal Military College of Canada (Canada)Candidate:Gilbert, Gary MichaelFull Text:PDF
Harmonics are generated by many different sources (motors, furnaces, power converters, etc). Harmonics can cause major problems in the power quality of distribution systems (i.e., distortion of voltage and current waveforms), and a great deal of research has been directed at their elimination and/or reduction. This thesis develops simulation models of Maritime Defence Vessels using EDSA. EDSA is a very powerful electrical engineering software package that simplifies the simulation of complex electrical distribution systems. Harmonic distortions are eliminated and/or reduced using passive filters. A new technique is presented for the placement and optimization of the filter. Dynamic load models are used to obtain realistic results. The method presented ensures that a power system has clean, reliable power that is unaffected by the type of load, whether the load is linear or non-linear.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power
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