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Dribbling fountain: Insights into the growth and change of a high-technology start-up

Posted on:2001-08-24Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Dunton, Blair MeredithFull Text:PDF
GTID:2462390014455413Subject:Business Administration
This project report summarizes the results of a project conducted as part of an independent graduate studies program. It is meant to help other people who are interested in joining or even starting their own start-ups prepare for the experience. It looks at some of the problems---such as low morale and lack of motivation---that seem to be inherent in a young start-up company due to an inexperienced management team. It shows how lack of communication and poor interpersonal skills can add to the motivational problems. It will also look at the changes the start-up goes through as it grows and becomes more stable. This report concludes with insights into what can be learned by participating in a start-up and should be especially helpful to students of organizational development and behavior or entrepreneurialism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Start-up
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