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Strengthening the remaining span of severely damaged shear-deficient two-span concrete beams

Posted on:2002-06-29Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Royal Military College of Canada (Canada)Candidate:Porteous, Jason EarlFull Text:PDF
Bridges are often targeted during military operations in an attempt to delay or impede the enemy's mobility, and one or more spans may be severely damaged. Over-bridging of the damaged span(s) with a prefabricated modular steel bridge system is normally the preferred solution; however, in bridges where continuous girders have been damaged, the load capacity of the spans adjacent to the damaged span may be seriously compromised due to the loss of continuity. Strengthening of the adjacent spans or reduction of the permissible loads on the bridge, may be required in order to maintain the structural integrity of the bridge.; The experimental program investigated the effectiveness of externally applied prestressing by steel cables and bonded carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets for flexural strengthening the remaining span of damaged two span continuous beams. In addition, the beams fabricated for the investigation were designed to be shear-deficient to investigate the extent of shear strengthening provided by the two forms of flexural strengthening. Two methods of direct shear strengthening using external steel stirrups and CFRP strips were also investigated. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Strengthening, Damaged, Span
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