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A Community In Motion: A Multimodal Transit and Waterfront Activity Center at the University of Washington

Posted on:2017-03-19Degree:Master'Type:Thesis
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Marley, JaysonFull Text:PDF
This thesis is an examination of the current systems of mass transit in the city of Seattle and the relationship these systems form with surrounding communities. As urban centers continue to grow, they are increasingly looking to new or expanding systems of mass transit in order to cut down on congestion in crowded urban streets. These systems are integral to moving a city's population on a daily basis, but are absent in typical community functions. This thesis explores the possibilities how community and transit can be integrated into a unified program by combining the functions of a multimodal hub with that of a recreational and community center to reinforce inter-connectivity of different types of users.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community, Transit, Systems
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