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Building Home: The Material Aspect of Healing

Posted on:2017-10-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Pacifica Graduate InstituteCandidate:Heilveil, Benjamin JFull Text:PDF
How can lived, tangible work in material be psychological in action as well as in reflection? This thesis argues that work in material allows for the growth and healing of psyche. Using the framework of depth psychology, this thesis examines the author's process of building a house as a way to heal, develop, and amplify psychic contents. In discovering the psychological in the material processes and tangible realities of creating homes, therapeutic environments and material objects, a new and important process is created for psychotherapeutic work. Theoretical foundations of this hermeneutic and heuristic research come from the works of Carl Jung, Gaston Bachelard, and Edward Edinger. Also informing the work are Henry Abramovitch's writings on temenos, as well as contributions from many other writers and scholars.
Keywords/Search Tags:Material, Work
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